Monday, 11 November 2013

Yes, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time

When I was just a youngster in my twenties, I desperately wanted to gain muscle mass. Like many boys at that age, I wanted to have big hands, broad shoulders, powerful and sweeping thighs and in a format that is tapered to a small waist. Unfortunately, this is how I looked. When I look at old pictures, it seems to have been fooling myself into believing that I look less like the Pillsbury Doughboy than I am.

What was wrong? I pumped iron, destroyed high amounts of protein ingested carbohydrates during the so-called "two-hour window," after my workout. And most importantly in my mind, I kept my high calorie intake, because all the information available, he said I needed to "bulk up" - to eat a lot more calories than he was burning, so to obtain the desired muscle mass. Now in my forties, I am always easy to more natural muscle that I longed twenty years ago.

Not only that, I'm doing this while staying lean. Only recently, I decided to lean down even further - getting body fat in the middle of one of the digits. Actually gain strength and muscle while doing it. How is this possible? We're told over and over again in order to gain muscle mass, we need to eat a lot. Oh ... and if you have a "fast metabolism" (ie blessed with a really low body fat) will tell you in gorging pig, because this is a magic bullet for the "already great" ... is not it? Well, they will get the "big" but not the type size to help you land dates on Saturday night.

Quickly metabolism people are told to eat a lot more calories than you burn so you can gain muscle. Are provided with their muscle building gurus that we go into different phases when you have gained muscle, the stage at which I burn fat. They are those who have unwanted body fat said, you need to focus on fat loss before you can obtain the substantially all muscles. It is said that a restrictive diet you have to stick to avoid muscle gain. So here's a quiz question: If a skinny person can not gain muscle without eating a lot of extra calories and fat people get fat by eating excess calories, how is a former fat person when will gain muscle without getting fat back and how skinny person will lose fat when it is "combine up" without end skinny again? Perhaps someone is feeding us something other than food. answer: fat and muscle are completely different tissues, which sits alongside the body.

Do not confuse the method by which one 's gain or loss from another is. If you are slim and have a shovel truckloads of extra calories, while inadvertently missing an ideal muscle breakdown / break ratio, you just finished fat. Here is a question for the "fast metabolism group." Have you ever followed the advice of bodybuilding experts, and not gain muscle, you expected?

You know, advice, speak, eat great food, train "Heavy" (a relative term - what are "the heavy weights in that light?"), The use of large compound exercises, try to sit on your ass much as possible, and uh ... Set your alarm go off in the middle of your sleep, so you can drink a whey protein 2 AM. Ugh ... I do not know about you, but you'll never drag me from a good night's sleep only to force down some chalky dust.

Would you like to know what works with tons of compound exercises, forced reps, three, four and five days of cracking and eating a lot of calories is not for me? It turned me from a boy in the slim fat boy. When it was time to lose fat, gain muscle were below expectations. Anyone who has been to my website attest, the muscle has been lying dormant within my body fat - it does not mean much. So the big question: how did I recently gained strength and muscle size in getting super lean? I did this by eating a little more protein than usual. I used 45 minutes of low intensity cardio work to burn fat as soon as I got up in the morning.

For more about muscle building, please read this article

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